UAD Jadi Tuan Rumah Final Project Management Meeting Erasmus+ iHiLead
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) terpilih menjadi tuan rumah Final Project Management Meeting Erasmus+ iHiLead pada 3–4 Juli 2024. Bertempat di Ruang Serbaguna Lantai 10 Kampus IV UAD, acara ini dihadiri oleh para mitra dari Indonesia, Inggris, dan Eropa.
Ida Puspita, S.S., M.A.Res. selaku Koordinator iHiLead UAD menyambut hangat kedatangan para mitra di UAD. Ia selanjutnya menyampaikan laporan terkait progres dari program-program yang telah dan masih dilakukan.
“At the moment we are still completing the financial report in coordination with Annabelle and also continuing with Stuart from UoG and finalizing the document that we have uploaded on Trello. And for our LMDP training we have 48 participants from UAD and also Muhammadiyah higher education institutions in Indonesia. 44 participants have passed the training and 4 participants did not pass because they could not join all of the phases in the training,” jelasnya pada pembukaan acara, Rabu (3-7-2024).
Ida menambahkan bahwa UAD akan terus menghadirkan program-program yang berkualitas. “Our next plan is to have the training for the middle management of UAD and also for the other Muhammadiyah higher education institutions in addition to the seven institutions that have already joined in our batch 1 and batch 2. And our resources for the next training we have 17 trainers who have joined the ToT, 9 from UAD and 8 from the council of Muhammadiyah higher education research and development and of course the lap of the ideal leadership and modules,” imbuhnya.
Prof. Ahmad Muttaqin, S.Ag., M.Ag., MA., Ph.D. selaku Anggota Dewan Pengawas UAD menuturkan bahwa UAD berkomitmen untuk memberikan dampak positif bagi peningkatan kualitas manajemen di perguruan tinggi lewat program pelatihan kepemimpinan di berbagai level.
“UAD already established what we called ADIL (Ahmad Dahlan Institute of Leadership) to implement higher education institutions’ leadership training. ADIL is already equipped with leadership lab facilities and also ADIL already has 17 trainers,” jelasnya.
Ia berharap bahwa pertemuan ini dapat menjadi jembatan untuk kerja sama yang lebih luas lagi. “To create more collaborative networks more collaborative programs may be in another area in the future,” tutupnya. (Lid)